My viewer's ♥

Tuesday 9 August 2016

counting days...............

Hi korang, harini banyak sangat nak cerita. Okay this 28th aug 2017 ni kitaorang genap 3years. 
im not here talking about that, but actually about our wedding.
macam tak percaya kan? we'll get married sooner.... date? cannot tell :p ill let you guys know okay. wait for it. Do you guys know? in 3years we have fight a lot. tak terkata, tapi salah seorang dari kami kena mengalah kan? but no. Ego kami lagi kuat, tapi hati kami kuat tetap cinta satu sama lain, mistake teach us life. i love him, am i ready to be someone wife? aaahhhhh im scared i cannot be a good wife for him but i am very exited to be with him soon! i cant wait for it anymore. Finally he will be mine forever. Now he still hiring for a job, real job to be with me in our new life. I really hope that dia akan dap[at kerja tu sebaik mungkin. I hope that he will puas hati dengan job yang dia cari. Pity him, don't worry sayang im always with you okay baba? don't you worried about it.
i will wait till you akad nikah and lafaz my name Adrin Nadwaa Binti Abdul Rahim. im with you forever.

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